Originally Posted by ShayHyler
This is a good thought. We should all think about this. Even if we're afraid of what the answer is. If we truly considered this, how would it change the way we interact with sinners on a daily basis. I would hope it would change us greatly.
This is interesting...I think maybe our mindset of helping 'sinners' is the problem. They have come up with a more socially acceptable term:
the unchurched. When you approach anyone making a judgement of their relationship to God you are setting yourself up to offend, even if it is not intentional.
There are many people out there who pray to God every day and are open for a divine appointment but when we come with an attitude that we are in someway better or they are someway inferior then we have lost the witness before it has begun.
Just some things to think about.
Blessings, Rhoni