Bro Haney, Bro Arless Glass, & Bro Billy Hale
From WNOP!
During a routine examination last week, it was discovered that Brother Haney had some blockage in two of his arteries. While not considered an urgent situation, his doctor recommended that one of his three options was to have surgery to alleviate any future concerns. On Monday, May 19th, Brother Haney underwent heart bypass surgery. It was completely successful, and his doctors have been amazed at his speedy recovery. It has been stated that he is in the top 2% of patients for recovery time and prognosis. He was up and about - walking the halls within hours. We thank God for that!
The Haney family appreciates your prayers and support. Please respect their privacy at this time by directing any calls or get well wishes to his office and not to their home. May God bless you as you work for Him.
Reverend Arless Glass
Glass Reverend Arless Glass, former Superintendent of Education for the United Pentecostal Church International is undergoing open heart surgery today (05.22.08) in Houston, Texas at Methodist Hospital due to a 99.9% blockage in his main artery.
Please keep Brother Glass in your prayers.
Reverend Billy Hale
Hale Reverend Billy Hale had a heart attack while preaching in last night's service. During the altar call he was rushed to Swedish Medical Center. His heart rate was 45 and he was unresponsive when he arrived. After giving him medicine for his heart, his rate went up to about 57. He was taken into surgery to have 2 stints put into his right ventrical that was totally blocked. His left ventrical was 50% blocked. Doctors report that the procedure went well. He was placed in critical care / intensive care unit where the doctors are monitoring his progress. He is expected to be in the hospital for 3 days. He is still in a lot of pain and circumstances are he still needs your prayers. Thank you for praying for him!