Originally Posted by Thinking
It puzzles me that a member of the UPCI who has chosen to join the WPF (presumably because of dissatisfaction with the UPCI) would want to remain a part of the UPCI. Anyone have ideas about this?
Originally Posted by CC1
Here are some possibilities;
1. They want to have their cake and eat it to.
2. They wanted to chart a "preferred Apostolic future" while hanging around to grip and complain about the un-preferred future in the UPC.
3. Cold Feet - Once they found out they could not join the WWPF and still be a disgruntled UPCer boycotting UPC functions and griping about everything under the son they got cold feet and decided that perhaps the UPC isn't all that bad after all. (For all of his angst over the TV resolution I can't see T. L. Craft throwing away a lifetime in the UPC over it)
CC1, I enjoy reading your posts and respect your input, even when I disagree with you viewpoint. I know many people feel very passionately about this particular issue, and probably will for many years to come. However, I think we must be very careful in painting the intentions of good men with a broad brush of being embittered, malcontents with a less than ethical agenda.
There may indeed be men who want their cake and eat it too. There may be men who wish to hang around and gripe and preach their UPCI doomsday message. And there may be those that have developed "cold feet." Just as within the framework of the UPCI, ALJC, PAW, PCAF, PAofJC, AWCF, NCO, CIA, FBI, etc. who may be less than honorable in their intentions. However, in each of these aforementioned organizations/fellowships, for every unethical, discontented, embittered minister, there are scores of good well meaning men of integrity.
With the recent UPCI ruling, (which is somewhat ambiguous, as each district has the right to enforce it or ignore it. Another topic for another time) Many of these men find themselves in a situation they did not foresee. Many of them love the UPCI, and or the men who they have worked with for many years. They however, feel as though the organization has forced them into smaller circles of fellowship as it (the org) becomes more liberal. (I don't think anyone who is honest will argue that the UPCI has not become more liberal than they were 25 years ago.)
These men, however, have much invested in missions, youth, and many other areas that the UPCI has experienced some measure of success. Why should they forced to choose between UPCI brethren or WPF brethren? I assure you that many of those you feel may have gotten "cold feet" will make a decision that they nor the UPCI wants them to make if forced to. (This is IMO why some districts have refused to enforce the ruling, because they realize these men are good men and they don't want them to have to choose.)