Re: Tina's hubby in ER
When I got to the ER, they had taken him in to do a CT Scan. The nurse told me that they thought he had a compression fracture. The ER doctor didn't see anything on the CT scan, and I have the images on CD and will have them viewed by my sister tomorrow when she gets home and see if she sees anything on them. Hopefully there won't be anything that the other doctor missed.
He is on complete bedrest for the weekend, and has to use ice on it for the weekend.
He is kind of in la-la land right now, because of the drugs they gave him at the hospital. He's resting on the couch. So while the drugs are working, I'm leaving one daughter to take care of him, and taking the other to go pick up his truck at the factory before they lock the gate.
I'll update again later. Thanks everyone for praying. I know it has made a difference.