Re: Whoa! Polygamist solution is frightening...
I have read this site and I do agree with many things that you have said also... I am not saying I think this was the right thing to do... just how some things appear. I have to head to Physical therapy in a few so I cant respond more right now but will later. And if I have indeed read and been told accurately where this branch began.. then yes this is indeed the exact group my great uncle was involved with. He had been forced from all of his family and well.... He was via my adoptive family but I have heard that I have more cousins by him than I could count with all the rest of my family...
I think there were many things done wrong however...Some things where done for the safety of the children and whether it was done right or not. At least they didnt leave them to rot in a bad situation. It would be nice if they had accurate information when they went in... but they didnt as far as the caller was concerned. But then we also are aware that they were investigation this same group before this incident.. I think they took it as one more thing.. not enough evidence but we will go ahead and go on in which was yes very wrong... but at least we didnt have another Waco.