Do you donate blood?
I noticed that CommonSense has a link in his/her signature line to donate blood.
First of all, I want to thank you for that, CommonSense. One of the reasons my husband is alive today is because alot of people donated blood before he needed it. When his aneurism ruptured, he used 67 units of blood between Sat. afternoon when the surgery started and Monday morning when they finally stopped pumping blood into him continuously. If that blood had not been available immediately, Walt would not be alive today.
So my second question is: How many of you donate blood regularly? I cannot donate (because of some health issues), but our 18 year old son has donated at every opportunity since he has been old enough to give. I am so proud of him for that.
Last edited by Margies3; 04-21-2008 at 12:35 PM.
Reason: didn't know if CS was a him or a her. LOL