Originally Posted by stmatthew
Newman, we are not talking about God telling Moses that he is going to destroy the Israelites, and then not doing so because of being entreated by Moses. We are talking about foundational salvation teachings. The very core of our systematic beliefs hangs upon our interpretation of the born again experience. IF I give the loophole that God is sovereign, and can go contrary to it, then how can I say it is the only way. To me if my understanding gives way that God may do something contrary to his Word in order to save in this new testament era, then I open a big door for God to change and save Muslims as they are because he chooses to. Either Jesus is the only way, or he is not.
I know you understand what I am trying to say here.
BTW - It is good to see you posting some.
1. Moses entreating God for the Israelites is but one incident. Can you think of others?
Acts 2:38 is the KNOWN way.
3. Muslims who don't know Jesus saved? I think one finds that God's sovereign intervention in the OT was to those that called on Him not Allah.
Thanks for the welcome but I can't stay!