Originally Posted by ChristopherHall
But in all honesty...I believe in the Bible. I believe that the Bible teaches in the book of Revelation that there will be a global government and that there will be governmental powers that will wage war against the Church. I don't believe this "beast" will form overnight. The mystery of iniquity has been at work behind the scenes since the time of the Apostles and even in their days there were many antichrists. So I believe there is a conspiracy, the Bible implies that much. Now....those involved may be aware that they are preparing the way for their dark messiah. But most likely everyone involved in this conspiracy are simply spiritually blinded to the fact that they are being used by spiritual forces as pawns to prepare the way for the man of sin. Most likely those involved feel like they are patriotic men and women who have society's best interests in mind...but their very actions are led of the god of this world and they are accomplices in the greatest Satanic coup that this world will ever see. Also, I fear that their agenda is clouded by a deeply "moral" and "righteous" appearance, so that if it be possible...they would deceive the very elect.
Hope that clarifies. God bless.
Why imply that I'm a conspiracy nut and not consider any validity of my concerns? Don't shoot at me...let's dialogue about the issues brought up.
I could agree that it might be an ex-Mormon, but I want to believe the authorities practice better ethics than to do something like that.