Originally Posted by CC1
The bits and pieces about John Ragsdale on this thread are mostly correct.
-He was raised UPC and is the son of a former UPC minister.
-He went to Jcm.
-He "went charismatic" in the sense that many UPC people think of it.
-He spent about 7 years as an aissistant or associate pastor to Kenneth Phillipis at Promiseland Church in Austin. From about 1998 or 1999 until around three years ago when he moved to Nashville where he evangelizes from.
He often visits back to minister at KP's Promiseland church and KP has been trying to get him to come back full time.
John is married to a beautiful wife, Kristen, and has a couple of young boys.
John is one of the most talented individuals I have ever met. He sings great, preaches great, and married great!!!
It was John Ragsdale who "co-starred" with Randy Phillips on the praise and worship telecast "The Awakening" for several years that aired on TBN and INSP Christian television networks.
John ministers in many different churches, both Oneness and not.
That is the John Ragsdale I know...