At the cross, everything was finished. Since the cross and resurrection, everything has been done. Jesus has already provided everything we will ever need, both in this life and in the world to come, and placed it in your born-again spirit. Why is God resting? Why is Jesus "set down"? Because everything has been done. IT IS FINISHED!!!
If you are a hope'n and a pray'n, and a begg'n for God to do something for you, you are behind the curve. If you are "bombarding heaven", you're just waisting time and breath. Whatever you need is not in heaven, it's down here on the Earth, in your own born-again spirit. God has already given it to you. You don't have to ask if it is God's will for you to have it. God has already said "yes" to all your need. God has already done everything He is ever going to do about your healing, your provision, about your children being saved, etc. (
II Pet 1:3-4) IT IS FINISHED!!!
Ever notice that the apostles never prayed for God to heal anybody, after the cross and resurrection of Jesus? They would sometimes pray and then they would command them to be healed or raised from the dead. When Peter raised Tabitha from the dead, he turned his back on the dead body, knelt down and prayed. Then he turned to the body and said, "Tabitha, arise". (
Acts 9:40) IT IS FINISHED!!!
We should pray for ENLIGHTENMENT, wisdom, knowledge, and revelation, so that we may
know what God has already provided for us through the finished work of Jesus. (
Eph 1:16-20) That's how you get what you need, to flow from your spirit to your physical: "through the knowledge of Him." (
II Pet 1:3) The more you see what God has provided, the more it will flow to your physical body. IT IS FINISHED!!!