Originally Posted by OP_Carl
...we should all also be understanding that people make errors and harboring offense is immature and spiritually destructive.
Aint that the understatement of the day!
My pastor made a comment in Sunday's sermon. Something along the lines of being able to determine your spiritual maturity by how you perceive others. (I wanted to take it one step further to say "perceive
and receive others.")
AND I AM GUILTY AS THE NEXT GUY, so I'm not pointing fingers...But I am learning. I don't strugggle so much with the "receiving" others as many do. But I have been often offended, and sometimes I'm sure it is just be the way I "perceive" things.
I recently listened to a preaching tape series entitled "Spirit of Offense." It really opened my eyes! It was phenomenal for me! (I wonder if any of you have ever heard these sermons and know who did them??? Hint... I bet Nate knows.)