Any life coaches on the board??? I need help!
So, I need help. I am at a crossroads in my life; I am turning the big 40 this year, my daughter is pretty much grown (unless she needs money), and I am needing some help in getting my life organized.
The last few years, since my daughter started college, have been weird for me. I think I had a little bit of a personal crisis (perhaps the anxiety attacks should have been my first clue) when she started college, call it denial or whatever, but I kind of stopped taking care of the details. I am happy and healthy, but my house is a mess and the clutter is driving me insane. I really have clutter in a lot of areas in my life.
I am looking toward making some significant life changes in the next few years, but I really need to get my life in order before I start making big decisions.
Does anyone know of any really good books (they have to be really good or I will lose interest quick, I am not a self-help book kind of girl) or have any pointers on organization/de-cluttering/whatever that you think would be helpful??