Originally Posted by RandyWayne
It is not the 12th day after conception. It is when the heart and brain begin functioning, which is a few weeks after that.
Another interesting question: If life begins AT conception (in terms of the soul and spirit being created as well) what happens when a couple of days later, the egg splits and identical twins form? Twins can be created in the lab by the way during this time.
During this time the body is being prepared, but is not yet formed. This is certainly a time period when a host for the soul and spirit is in formation but not yet ready.
This is when the body starts forming. People would be genuinly shocked to know how many fertilized eggs in a human never result in a baby being born.
Brother Randy,
This is from
"We assume that blood first appears at the time that the human embryo's heart begins to beat. (We are confident that we will receive a flood of Emails correcting us if this is not true.) This occurs at about 18 to 21 days after conception -- before the embryo develops limbs, a head, a brain, etc. It is about 1/12" long, the size of a pencil point. It most closely resembles a worm - long and thin and with a segmented end. More details.
Allowing for a four-day safety factor, the cutoff date for ethical stem cell research using the blood criterion might be ethically set at 14 days. This happens to be when the embryo develops a "primitive streak." The streak eventually develops in to the embryo's brain and central nervous system. Some suggest "...that an embryo should not be regarded as a unique individual before this point," 1 because it can spontaneously split into two embryos with identical DNA, and lead to the birth of identical twins. Fourteen days is also longest interval that an embryo can be maintained in culture. Regulations in many countries cite 14 days as the limit for scientific research.
The author suggests in the following essay that "...a bloodless embryo could be made available for research without incurring the wrath of God because of the shedding of innocent blood, since no blood is shed....the use of a bloodless embryo in research to give hope and perhaps eventually cures to debilitating illnesses should be encouraged and supported..."
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