Originally Posted by LadyChocolate
While I do hold to these holiness standards with a true love, I do not condone people saying that Jesus doesn't love others who wear this or that or whatever.... For God so love the WORLD....... God have His life for us while we were yet sinners........ So no matter where you are or who you are, God loves you.... His love is unconditional and what we decide to do with it up to us!
I have taught my children why we do things we do according to the Word of God...But I have also taught them that they will not judge others... There is wisdom we all have to use. I can't stand a judgemental attitude......on either side of the fence.... it never accomplishes anything!
this lc, was the way it was meant to be i believe. this is also what i will do when i have children. unfortunately there are so many they don't have this same attitude. i think some of the oldtimers might be rolling over in their graves at what we have done to their message, using it to condemn instead of be holy.