More for Our Barak Oscama Backers
[FONT='Tahoma','sans-serif']Tom Minnery
> March 24, 2008
> Dear Friend,
> What does it take to be the most liberal member of the United States
> Senate - farther left than Ted Kennedy, John Kerry or even Hillary
> Clinton? For the answer, take a look at a man who could be the next
> president of the United States: Barack Obama.
> Sen. Obama was recently named the most liberal U.S. Senator, based on
> the annual voting analysis by the non-partisan and highly respected
> National Journal. If he emerges as the Democratic nominee, one of the
> critical jobs of Focus Action will be to uncover the real Barack
> Obama-not the feel-good orator who speaks of 'change' and 'hope,' but
> the man who would be the most left-wing president in our nation's
> history. And we'll need your continued help to do so.
> Obama: As extreme as they come on family issues
> On abortion, Obama's 100 percent lifetime voting record from Planned
> Parenthood and NARAL only begins to tell the story.
> While in the Illinois State Senate six years ago, Obama was the only
> senator to speak against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, which
> protects babies who are born alive after a failed abortion. In other
> words, it prevents flat-out infanticide. A year later- while the U.S.
> Senate was passing Born Alive 98-0 - state Sen. Obama quietly killed an
> identical bill in the state committee he chaired!
> Not surprisingly, then, he also opposes the ban on partial-birth
> abortion and supports allowing minor girls to be transported across
> state lines for abortions without parental notice or consent.
> Perhaps most chilling is his avowed support for the Freedom of Choice
> Act, which, if signed into law, would threaten every pro-life law passed
> at the state and federal levels over the past 30 years.
> In addition, while the next president could effectively overturn Roe v.
> Wade with the right Supreme Court appointments, Obama is proudly
> committed to appointing judges who will uphold legal abortion. In fact,
> his judicial philosophy is typical of the radical left. He believes that
> judges can change the meaning of the Constitution at their discretion.
> Not surprisingly, he voted against the nominations of Justices John
> Roberts and Samuel Alito.
> How about marriage and the homosexual agenda?
> First, he opposes the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). If given
> the chance by the liberal Congress, Obama will overturn DOMA,
> potentially forcing every state to recognize homosexual 'marriages' and
> guaranteeing that you and I pay federal benefits to support homosexual
> couples. Please note: Technically, he says he is 'opposed' to same-sex
> 'marriage,' but by standing against DOMA, he is standing against the
> only thing that prevents same-sex marriages from spreading state to
> state.
> Second, he has pledged to homosexual leaders that he will sign the
> Employment Non-Discrimination Act (forcing businesses to defend
> themselves against discrimination lawsuits should they not hire a
> particular candidate who then announces he or she is homosexual or
> transsexual). He also supports hate-crimes expansion (potentially
> putting churches at risk if they preach the truth about homosexuality).
> Then there's his support for teaching schoolchildren (in 2nd grade, no
> less) about
> homosexual relationships. He also wants to require women to register for
> the draft. And, as a state senator, he even refused to support a measure
> to stop sex businesses from opening near schools or places of worship!
> Make a
> difference in 2008
> Help support the
> work of Focus Action.
> The price of 'change': Hold on to your wallet!
> Sen. Obama talks constantly about the need for 'change.' But what he
> doesn't tell you is the price tag, so allow me: It will be very
> expensive change.
> He supports raising taxes to pay for universal health care, his free
> college program and a host of other government expansions. Among his pet
> projects is a bill he sponsored called the Global Poverty Act, which
> would commit the U.S. to spending 0.7 percent of gross national product
> on foreign aid. Over 13 years, that will amount to a whopping $845
> billion increase over current foreign-aid spending! Get your checkbooks
> ready!
> National security?
> One area where Sen. Obama seems to have an aversion to spending is the
> War on Terror. But it's not just the admittedly controversial war in
> Iraq where Obama has shown himself to be soft on terror:
> He has repeatedly voted against funding our troops in Iraq-unless the
> funding included a date certain by which our soldiers must withdraw from
> their fight against al Qaeda. Even with the troop surge producing superb
> results, Obama has called both the surge and the war a failure. In fact,
> he and Hillary seem to be in a rhetorical contest to see who can abandon
> the battlefield first.
> He, along with Hillary, voted to give captured terrorists and illegal
> immigrants constitutional rights that are reserved for American
> citizens. Can you believe that Sen. Obama actually favors granting
> citizenship to illegal immigrants convicted of crimes against children,
> aggravated felonies and other serious crimes? It's true.
> Perhaps, then, it should come as no surprise that Obama also voted
> against a resolution proposing a constitutional amendment to protect the
> American flag from desecration.
> One has to ask: Did he learn anything from 9/11?
> Ditto for Hillary?
> On most of the issues I've mentioned, Hillary isn't far behind Obama's
> extremism. In fact, she ranked as the 16th most liberal senator in
> National Journal's scoring. But the reality is that most people know
> about Hillary. They remember her push for government-run health care.
> They know of her radical pro-abortion stance. They may even recall her
> support for allowing young children to sue their parents.
> Obama, though, is the new kid on the block. In fact, a little more than
> three years ago, he was still an Illinois state senator. Now, the media
> is fawning over him ... and isn't about to delve into his leftist
> record.
> That's why Focus Action-with your help-needs to sound the alarm. Whoever
> the Democrat nominee is, the truth about their stands needs to be told
> in clear, bold colors. And, of course, the pros and cons of the
> Republican candidate need to be laid out as well.
> Focus Action is blessed to have some great channels to communicate the
> truth to the American public. From radio programs to mailings to
> webcasts to advertisements of all sorts, we have the vehicles to get the
> word out. But your gifts are needed to provide the fuel to make those
> vehicles run-so we can inform millions of voters, not just in the
> presidential race, but in the critical contests for House and Senate as
> well.
> Throughout our history, great Americans have stood up to grave
> challenges of all sorts. As this latest wave of secular liberalism
> threatens us, I look forward to standing shoulder to shoulder with you
> in prayer and action - in defense of the family.
> Sincerely,
> Tom Minnery
> Senior Vice President
> Focus on the Family Action
> P.S. We continue to get strong reviews from many of you about our live
> 'webcasts' on the presidential race. If you haven't yet had a chance to
> view these webcast, I hope you'll take advantage of our pro-family
> perspective on the candidates - a perspective you won't find in the
> mainstream media! Thanks for partnering with us to make it all happen! [/FONT]
"Some may call me foolish, some may call me odd; but I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man than a fool in the eyes of God..."