Originally Posted by Sam
Barack Hussein Obama has been declaring that he is a not a Muslim but is a Christian and references how long he has been a member of that church. If people get to looking into what that church and pastor have stood for over the years they will realize that the term "Christian" is applied rather loosely.
Will it hurt him? Probably not. African Americans get by with stuff that white folks can't get by with. African Americans can make very racist statements and can take very racist positions, and their churches can be very political. If white folks tried this they would be pummeled in the Media, would have to resign any position they held, would have to apologize over and over again publicly, and the local church would probably lose its tax exempt status.
You make some great points here in both paragraphs.
But in response to the first paragraph, how does it look when Obana's former church gave the leader of the Nation of Islam- Louis Farrakhan an award??