Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen
I found this last sentence to be interesting... Is this true brethren? Isn't the law good, as Paul said? Isn't it a schoolmaster? Isn't the Law of the Lord perfect, converting the soul? Or did I take all those phrases out of context, and maybe make up a few phrases? I'm not trying to be critical (in a bad sense), I just want to get a better understanding of this sentence given to us by Bro. Larry.
Bro. Alex
Alex, it's not true.
It's a misconception that was started in the second century by a heretic named Marcion, who Polycarp, John's disciple, called the spawn of satan himself due to his heresies like that.
Yet today we see it all over the church world.
The Law does not bring curses on people. Breaking the Law does.
Which part of the Law is evil? Which part of the Law is the part folks don't want to live by?
I'm not talking about the ceremonial laws, so I hope no one comes here and starts throwing out "don't wear polyesther and rayon" or whatever...
I'm talking about "Love God with all your heart and Love your neighbor as yourself". That's the synopsis of the entire Law... Jesus himself said it. So... how does living under that bring a curse?