Originally Posted by A_PoMo
I apologize if I seem overly critical of NW's sermon last night. But this morning I was thinking about it a little and I just cannot escape the real disappointment I feel about his sermon. Having never heard him preach before and based on his reputation as a learned, intelligent man I was deeply disappointed in how shallow and parochial it was and essentially wrong his message was on the facts. I felt it was intellectually dishonest in that it misconstrued the truth of various matters and that essentially it was a message of elitism. Most evangelicals and even mainline denom people would agree with him about being led by the Spirit, hearing from God, and combining your cognitive understanding of doctrine with a spiritual experience and for him to say otherwise is unbelievably irresponsible. Dare I say untruthful as well? By his definition, even with the part about speaking in tongues being essential for salvation, all charasmatic believers are 'apostolic'. I happen to agree w/that view myself, but I'm sure he would be appalled to have someone characterize his position in that way. But that's how imprecise and wrong his message was and I expected more from him especially considering the gravity of the circumstances and knowing that many eyes are watching. I feel that his preparation was sloppy at best and just plain deceitful in aim at worst. I completely agree that Christians ought to be led by the spirit and that the Christian experience is primarily a spiritual one and I think most evangelicals would agree with that even if their way of doing that is different that NW's. I felt the sermon and his attitude in presenting it was arrogant and elitist. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but nonetheless for some reason I am a little disheartened by it and feel a little let down.
Reading some of your other posting we would not had expected anything else.