Re: No Limits Conference Speakers?
Originally Posted by CC1
Wow! I had no idea that R.L. had an ultra con son. That is very interesting.
I visited R.L.s church one time back in the late 70's while I was in Houston. It was one of my most interesting church visits. I have a knack for stumbling across werid situations.
Yeah, I have a tough time avoiding weird situations too. RLM came to a church I attended about five years ago. It was good for the first three weeks. But then the next two months were absolutely horrendous. He almost split the church, drove a wedge between the pastor and the asst. pastor and contributed to the asst. getting fired, and to this day the church is still suffering from the negative affects of his "ministry". My best advice for anybody who sees him coming, grab your wallet and run for the hills.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich