Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne
What whiney crybaby the dad is and now even the court, goes along; the mom has the right to raise her daughter in a conservative manner, its no one elses business; it sounds like its just the dad trying to come up with a somewhat valid point where there was/is no other good excuse to win his case, for him it appears to be an ego trip, to win at any cost. I'm sure his attorneys pressed that point, and wha-lah, he wins! I do hope that girls ethics kick in, lets pray for her that she does not fall victim as so many other kids in this country, to the wiles of the devil, evidently her father has.
It could've run either way IF the mom was a party-type gal, (substance abuse, etc.) he'd of made a point of that to win. Seems that little by little its getting popular to punish parents for raising their child up to respect the word of GOD, never mind that the Baptists don't have complete salvation truth, its a START I was baptist for many years, its not the worst thing in the world to be, for a little while IF it leads one to grow spiritually mature. the Baptist I belonged to didn't have a dress code, though., but I've heard that some factions (like this one ) do have the sense to teach modesty., as does our LORD.
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by what they say about others...than by what others
say about them.