Originally Posted by robert
Well, now that I got my name figured out, I'd like to say I think the old way of Holiness Standard should stay.But I'd like to stay at least in this generation. The thread says old not ancient. How about a thought on womens pants. Does any one even know what caused pants to be popular with women. Was it just a fashion that happened to come along or was it something else. What caused women in the U.S.A. to change the traditonal way to dress...no pun intended. Now you modern women go easy on me...please.
I believe it was basically for the same reason that men went from wearing skirts and robes to pants.....safety issues, better protection from the elements, etc.
BTW, traditionally, women started wearing pant-like garments centuries before men did in some countries.
There is a problem with teaching a 'no pants on women' standard in this country. Mainly because people from other cultures and countries live here. For instance, Indian women wear a pant-like garment and it's a women's garment. If we preach that wearing pants is cross-dressing, they will find you strange and delusional.
However, let's preach modesty in regard to matters of any and all dress. Now there you cannot go wrong. It will also cover (no pun intended) all eras of time. This might seem impossible, but understand that modesty definitions change from era to era. For instance, when men started wearing pants, not only were they considered women's apparel, but the men were considered to be immodest. Also, consider what was immodest for women 100 years ago and look at our Apostolic women today. Dressed immodestly for the standards of yesteryear.
This is my understanding and how I teach my children about what the Bible says. I live it, and so do they.