Reminds me of a time where I was in a room with some legalists. There was a comment made how a woman looked behind a counter looked apostolic because she didn't have on jewelry, or makeup. Then she walked away from the counter and had on a pair of pants. Like the Visa commerical, their reaction was priceless.
Looking like a man is more than how one dresses from the waist down. Judging one's sexuality based on the article of clothing used to cover one's backside sounds a bit perverted to me.
A pair of pants no more defines a woman's sexuality no more than a kilt defines a man's sexuality. I haven't heard anyone question Mel Gibson's masculinity for wearing a kilt in Braveheart.
The Biblical principles for dress is as follows:
1. Modesty
2. Gender Separation
3. Not draw attention to oneself.
The Bible gives plenty of room for interpretation. Since you are responsible for your household, you set the parameters as you see fit.
I probably go overboard on #3, especially when it comes to my 11 year old daughter, but unless she wearing a sports jersey, or the official shirt of the children's ministry, I don't allow her to wear clothing that has phrases written across the chest. I feel it is inappropriate for anyone to stare at her chest, even if it just to read her shirt.
Originally Posted by robert
Hey Brother Price, If you want to write my words then what does that make you my Boss. You misread...I said if their back was to me. Please reply all you want...but don't try to instruct me to write somethingh as you would...God made us individuals not puppets. I'm discussing scriptures and beliefs not telling anyone to be me.