Originally Posted by Ferd
Cooper, not that I believe the Young Earth theory, but land itself was created before day 4. everything that happened in Days 1 thru 4 happened in eternity. there is no way to determine who old something is if its existance predates the creation of time (which was created on day 4)
so how long did it take to create the Grand Canyon? or Mt. Everest?
it is impossible to fix a time, because those things were created before time was created.
Isochron dating is accurate within its various ranges when you have good samples. There are uraniumite crystals found in Australia that date to 3.4 to 3.6 billion years ago.
The way radiometric dating works is you measure the daughter isotopes from the decay of a radioactive element. These daughter elements are produced at a predictable rate and can be compared to the remainder of the radioactive element to find the date.
Now this method could obviously only work with material that has not be subject to contamination. That is why the crystals are such a good source of data. Everything, the parent element, the daughter element and everything else that was formed with it are locked into a crystaline matrix.
From the evidence of radiometric dating we can see that the earth is aproximately 4.5 billion years old. This figure corresponds with the more recent dating of lunar rocks and meteorites. That means that "time" has been going on for at least 4.5 billion years. If we look out into space, the farthest galaxies that we can see are about 12 -13 billion light years away. And, using a spectroscope we can see that the same sorts of chemical reactions are going on (that is were going on) back then.
Our universe has been moving through time for at least 12 billion years. Things have been moved around, stars have blown up and new ones formed. We observe this process and can see 13 billions years of it.
I suppose a thread on the days of Genesis might be a cool thing. One point that I would make is that
Exodus 20:11 was spoken
long before Genesis 1 was ever written.