Originally Posted by bishoph
If this is true.......several members of the WPF General Counsel serve on the General Board, so this could be very interesting indeed.
I can quote a very well known conference preacher (name withheld to protect the guilty) who told his DS "please don't make me choose, because you might not like the choice I make." If the UPCI takes such a stand, the have not learned anything from their past. The AMF, AWCF, both gained members who had no intention of leaving, but were not going to be "forced" to be exclusive. IMHO this decision, if indeed true, would take the UPCI back into the dark ages as it relates to open fellowship and breaking down the walls that separate us that KH has been an advocate of.
I'm puzzled by your perspective, bishoph. Who has been promoting the divisions? Who has been holding seperate Youth Camps? Wasn't the very first action of the WPF the organization of a seperate Bible Quizzing ministry?