Originally Posted by OGIA
Then what IS the Father's name that the Lord Jesus manifested to those men?
The scripture doesn't say.
So, a piece of God was manifested, just not His fatherhood?
No, not a mere piece of God, God Himself.
The Father's name as commonly referred to in the OT is Jehovah. Agree or not? I do agree that God became salvation. It's just about "which one" is where we disagree.
No, it isn't. More often than not what we see is the word LORD in all capital letters. What is being used there is essentially the tetragrammation YHVH. It is the name of God and not merely His fatherhood.
There is no "which one" in God. Even the early Trinitarian Creeds acknowledge, "We believe in
one God, the Father almighty...." This is consistent with what Paul said in
1 Corinthians 8:6, "There is one God, the Father..."