Originally Posted by Coonskinner
I will endeavor to make this my last post on this debacle of a thread.
No one, and certainly not me, has suggested that this or any other individual should not be loved and prayed for.
But we have a Scriptural responsibility not to be deceived, and to exercise discernment.
Part of the agenda is to paint those who are cautious and careful about deception as unloving. This is not true.
But anyway, I am done with this.
Carry on.
I don't think anyone is being unloving...I just think people are too quick to rush to judgment. From the very first doubting comment that Newman made, you can sense in her writing that she came forth with the "guilty til' proven innocent" approach. I think she could have expressed her concerns without the attitude of "I'm not buying it"...
As I stated before, if CBO's agenda was to promote a gay message, why on earth would he ask godly folks to go those dying with AIDS and take up the role that gay ministers are assuming. If he wished for homosexuals that are dying with AIDS to understand that they are going to heaven regardless of their sinful lifestyle, wouldn't he prefer for gay ministers to continue bringing this supposed message of hope and wouldn't he wish that godly ministers stay away since they would speak the truth about the sin of homosexuality and that repentance from that lifestyle is necessary? Having said that, I think it is evident that his underlying desire was to say to us "hey, please remember those outcasts of society for they too need a Savior" and not that he was in search for validation.
I smell a person that may have witnessed so many dying with AIDS and is horrified and wishes that they find hope in Jesus Christ and that as he looked out his window and remembered there was a march for AIDS awareness...he was pricked to the heart and saw a group of people that need the gospel just as anyone and that this group is shunned by society.
I don't smell a rat, I smell a mourner.