I greatly regret mentioning details that would identify the church I mentioned. I actually went back about two minutes after posting and was going to edit it but someone had already replied to it and so my original post was in their reply... The reason I regret it, is because I would never in my wildest dreams want to hurt or offend anyone.
However, in my humble opinion... if someone can regularly attend a church for that long and be able to say honestly that he had no idea he needed to be baptised in Jesus name, that it was a command and not simply an option, than baptism isn't being empahsized the way the Apostles did.
Which is my point, when you take away the command and reason away it's necessity, you will have people who will not be baptised because they are not told of the necessity. We have people who are coming to our church who have not yet been baptised. They won't be able to say they have never been told of it's necessity though.
Maybe this man somehow missed it. I truly hope he did, because I know many of the people, in the church I mentioned, very well.
I agree, it doesn't matter where the man was baptised in Jesus name, it's just wonderful that he was.
(That post was one of my unwise posts... are we allowed one or two of those a year?