Originally Posted by erikwebster
I would like to make the suggestion that God wants churches to be lovers of the Word. He wants us to win people through our efforts in tandem with the Holy Spirit he has given us. He will indeed open doors but its up to us to take the time and flat out work to bring in the harvest.
If a church is so dead it needs revival... why not bury it and make room for a new church plant?
.. its about the local church getting active, doing large volume outreach to get the word out .. and SPENDING MONEY on EVANGELISM and OUTREACH rather than on BUILDINGS and SALARY.
Revival isnt a magic formula... it isnt anything. The kingdom of God grows when we witness and disciple people with the message that they are guilty under Gods laws and God came in the flesh to pay the penalty Himself in our place.
This is one of the BEST posts that has ever been on this forum.
Bro I don't know you. But you hit it right on the nail!
The concept behind 'revivals,' 'conferences,' 'convocations' and the such is HYPE.
God doesn't need hype.
And the whole idea of reviving the saints....
That shouldn't happen in a building.
That should happen when we get on our knees, our faces if necessary and CRY ALOUD and SPARE NOT!
The church is TOO dependent on preachers and programs.
And what we know as revival isn't working with the world because they know hype when they see it.
But after we finish picking them up and putting them down. After the huckabuck, after the tongue...I'm gonna say like Kirk Franklin says in his song, "Shout."
'Church taught me how to dance and speak in tongues,
But preacher teach me how to live right when the tongue is done...'
The world isn't impressed with the dance, the tongues, the manifestations we tend to get caught up in.
Then we are like, 'Man, did you see, Bro so and so run the aisles? And Sis Doomaflochee dance all around the altar!'
'Revival was awesome!'
We get all caught up because someone danced or shouted or spoke in tongues that haven't done so in five years. And rightly so. Rejoice with those who rejoice, right?
But Bro. Webster said it best:
If a church is so dead it needs revival... why not bury it and make room for a new church plant?
When a medic revives someone, that means that that person was dead right?
Now, I am not saying that all the churches that are 'dead' close down. Some can be revived. But
real revival starts with ONE person.
And just like fire, it spreads.
I do think it is sort of a waste to go get so and so to preach the saints back to life.
I do see going get a tent in the ghetto where they sell drugs and holding a 'revival.'
Take it to the streets where they need to hear the Word. Where they need to see the power of God in action.
The saints has seen it all before. Now it's time to take it to the streets.
Man I like cats like Verbal Bean and Lee Stoneking. They preach and don't care. If you are dead, they tell you...'You dead.'
I would love to have heard Verbal Bean preach in person. He told a church they were in trouble and they were.
He didn't care.
He followed the Spirit of God.
It is my understanding that they are no longer apostolic to this day.
Bro Webster, thank you.