Originally Posted by StMark
Now,I could understand a teenager blaming behavior merely on Peer pressure but a mature grown person?? You are telling me that everything you proclaimed as your own conviction was just pressure placed on you to conform?
I have seen pastors who preached certain things for years, touting it as a deep "conviction',only to discover years later it wasn't anymore. I've seen this really throw people for a loop. It messed their heads up. I think that saints have to be held to some accountability in this area too.
I do understand your case was extreme and have extended my sympathies to you but to say that one should just be free or ALL convictions is a recipe for spiritual disaster
yes that was what I was saying, I wanted to be apart of the inner circle of my church, be a part of the working body, I wanted to be totally accepted and if I did not dress the part...I would not have been accepted I wanted to please my daughter, and her husband, I wanted to be loved and would do what ever it took, and I thought I have found the real thing(I have found out not so true)....I believed that if I was good enough, worked hard enough, and looked holy enough I would be loved accepted and make it to heaven..............now I know I am saved through Jesus Christ and his sacrifice....he died on the cross to open the door for me to have a personal relationship with Him...I am not condemning anyone, or telling anyone they should be like me...this is my experience....my life....,my relationship with God....personal.