Originally Posted by tbpew
Note: this is off primary thread topic but related to posting replies...
In response to some of Abby's observations about the 'follower' status that many husbands and fathers seem to operate from, I offer this for consideration:
Q1. In any given local church assembly, who is the father-figure/husband type?
A1. My wild guess is that the founding/senior pastor has this role.
This may be true, however viewing your elders as a father figures is biblical.
I Timothy 5:1 "Rebuke not an elder, but entreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren;"
I'm not sure what you mean by saying that the pastor "has this role", referring to a husband's role.
Q3. Can a child have two fathers OR can a wife have two husbands and serve them both; love them both?
A3. No.
Your analogy isn't correct--I have more than one authority in my life, and I love and respect them all. Some take precedence over others, but I still have multiple leaders and elders. God, my husband, my pastor, church leaders, my mother, to name a few.
Proverbs 11:14 "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety."
In our classical delivery system of a member-minister 'church' organization, I think it is a reasonable assessment that men in the local church are often financial worker bees in support of the calling of the local husband/father of the assembly.
Hmmm. I'm confused. Is it wrong for men to work and support their families, and to tithe part of that income to the church? I'm not understanding what your points have to do with men
neglecting their spiritual responsibilities. Perhaps IF a woman consults her pastor for spiritual guidance
instead of her husband, it is because she
knows her husband isn't spiritual. Is that the pastor's fault? Is it the wife's fault?
The delivery system tends toward a confusion of faces/roles/responsibilites.
Men cannot complain about a delivery system they have helped create through spiritual laziness and neglect.
btw though,
what women wear and what men watch does reveal so much about the invisible things of the heart.
It can. It isn't a perfect measure, but it does reveal some, or conversely, it may hide quite a bit.