Originally Posted by Praxeas
IF that is true....if that is really true then perhaps the REAL reason the Apostolic churchs that do TV aren't thriving have nothing to do with TV but doctrine?
I mean...who not the same thing with newspaper? Tracts? Radio? Internet?
If truth is our strength then why would it HINDER us to spread the truth on TV just as we are via radio and internet?
There is a HUGE missing link here you guys are making...a huge leap in logic
I really don't think so. The key reason, in my opinion, is that most television stations wouldn't allow strong doctrinal preaching anyway. I can't see one lasting very long that preached any kind of real absolutes either in doctrine or separation.
I stand by truth, when genuinely promoted, being a totally different dynamic.
In either case, I fear that time may be the great 'revealer'.