To Know Jesus
To Know Jesus is to:
Love Him
Worship Him
1. He was born of a virgin
2. 12 years old he told Mary He must be about His father’s business
3. Fasted 40 days in the wilderness
a. Was tempted 3 times
4. Baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan river
5. Gathered 12 disciples to help His ministry
6. Did many miracles
a. First miracle turning water into wine
7. Sermon on the Mount
8. Asked to teach them to pray
a. Lord’s prayer
Suffered the children to come unto Him...
9. Friend to the sinner
a. Went to the sinners home
b. Mary Magdalene brought alabaster box with oil and washed His feet.
10. Righteous indignation
a. Ran the money changers out of the temple with a whip
b. Always warning the Pharisees
11. Great Commission
a. Go out and teach the world of Jesus
12. Last supper
a. This do in remembrance of Me
b. Washed the disciples feet
i. This ought you to do also
ii. Notice He washed their feet, not them washing each others feet
13. Great love
a. He died on the cross
14. Victorious
a. He arose from the grave
15. Righteous Judge
a. He will open the Book of Life
What would you add?
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.