Originally Posted by embonpoint
Another thread got me to thinking about this.
Let me first state that I am not a part of the UPC and have no intention of joining the WPF. So I don’t really have a dog in this fight. That being said there is a real irony that strikes me in my observation from the sideline.
One of the most vociferous and repetitious attacks on these men, and conservatives in general, is that they are motivated by a desire to control and a hunger for power. But what real power or control will they wield in the WPF.
These so-called controllers of the WPF do not
License ministers
Affiliate churches
Have Districts with all their officials
Preclude anyone from participation based on affiliation thus the assertion that they are not truly an organization as we know them today.
What is a control freak? Someone that HAS to be IN control right? Well if they no longer are in a position to control perhaps they decide to move on and start a new org from the ground up ensuring future control? Having said that I don't know what all or any of these men are control freaks either. They ARE an organization. An organization does not need to have all of the above in order to qualify as an organization. Don't know how you came to that conclusion
But their detractors want to kick them out because they
Held a meeting without permission
Invited ministers without org approval
Have financial involvement out side the org
I wonder who is interested in controlling whom here?
Really? when and where did you see this? Is this a fact?