Originally Posted by The teacher
Amen Bro Blume, and good to talk to you again!
As a real-life example, I have heard ministers declare that they are not sure if one can make it to heaven if they have not won a soul. Now we know that activity toward soul winning is profitable, but it is certainly not a characteristic for salvation.
That would make it salvation by works, if that were the case.
However there are Christians who are "laboring" outside of the rest of Calvary, worrying and fretting over their salvation, and attempting to win souls under such circumstances. They are not in the rest of Calvary, and such attempts can lead to frustration, not being rooted in what Jesus Christ already did, but rooted in a performance based mentality.
And their accomplishments will be very skimpy and small. Flesh simply cannot do the job.
God bless, and we trust all is well in California!
Great to hear from you! God is good. In our work, another soul who wandered away 17 years ago is now coming to services with a renewed hope and hunger for God!