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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 01-31-2008, 11:52 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
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My Journey to Tulsa- By SS

~~Found on the Internet~~

My Journey to Tulsa



It was supposed to be “THE SEVEN” I’m told, and that the seventh was supposed to be T.L. Craft. He
withdrew, however, as I was told, because he was confronted by “too much pressure from his friends.”
Thus, “THE SIX.” These six are dominated by the Godair brothers, Johnny and Kenny. In addition to
these two, you have Crawford Coon, Nate Wilson, Larry Booker, and Floyd Odom. This gentleman, last
named, is apparently without employment, therefore he was selected to move to Tulsa and open up the
offices of the Apostolic Worldwide Network, otherwise known as AWP. It was freely admitted that
these gentlemen were self-appointed and that they contacted or were contacted by a group set at
about 50 men who expressed interest in being involved in some fashion. The SIX are called the
Executive Council, the 50 are called the General Council.
The order of the convention, known as the “SUMMIT”, is printed on the internet, but in simple terms, it
began Thursday evening to a crowd estimated at about 1,000. The CHAIRMAN of this event and nascent
organization is Johnny Godair. His swashbuckling style seems to please all the rest of the brethren.
Music was led by Bro. Issacson, perhaps Zane? My, how he has changed.
Seven speakers were scheduled to deliver 15 minutes presentations, beginning with T.L. Craft, the
violator of all clocks and time mechanisms when it comes to the pulpit, or anything else for that matter.
He began with a wisecrack about his two wives, Mary and Martha. Mary is now dead, but he suggested
that he himself was the Antichrist, because Mary never sat at his feet and Martha didn’t know how to
cook. He proceeded to indulge a myth about Mary the mother of our Lord, titled, “Bringing a living
Christ to a dying world.” He was followed, not necessarily in this order by Floyd Odom, Kenny Godair,
Johnny Godair, Crawford Coon and Larry Booker.
The evening concluded with a delivery by Nate Wilson, the self-exalting and universally acclaimed genius
and resident theologian of the organization. It is he who claims to have written their By-Laws and
Articles of Faith. I wasn’t able to bear witness of much of these presentations due to an unfortunate
event. I explain. Since this was history in the making, there were a lot of people with cameras taking
pictures, myself included. This seemed to pique the feelings of Johnny G, and he got up and ordered
that no one take any pictures because they had hired an official photographer, besides, they didn’t want
any of these proceedings held in the hands of anyone they couldn’t control, anyone who might be
considered an “unfriendly.” On the other hand, they didn’t have anything to hide, he alleged.
My camera had video capability, but the battery was low and the memory was nearly full, precluding me
from taking any video of the event, but I had intended to take a few photographs of the facility and the
crowd to send to relatives, more specifically, my esteemed brother-in-law, Ray Brown, who is an
independent sympathizer, but a rightfully-so suspicious soul of any ORGANIZED religious entity. He had
planned to come to Tulsa, but illness in a member of his church prohibited this, as well as a healthy
concern that something “crazy” might happen with which he didn’t wish to be associated.

But, I digress. I succeeded in taking about 10 photographs, first of the empty, or nearly empty, facility
and then of it when it was well populated, about in the middle of Crawford Coon’s presentation. As I
returned to my seat and was quietly, unobtrusively, and attentively listening to each speaker, a security

goon, who claimed to be a “son in the gospel” to Floyd Odom approached me, while seated, placed his
hands on my shoulders and pushed me back and said, “They’ve stated that no one is to be taking
pictures.” I replied, “I heard that.” He glanced down at my closed camera lying on the seat beside me,
and to keep him from grabbing it, I placed my hand over it, and he walked away.

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