Originally Posted by stmatthew
So there are times when one is going to have to separate, or even oppose, their "authority", right. I believe it is to be done in a right spirit. I personally believe that there are times that it is Gods will that there be a separation, as in the case of Paul and Barnabas.
I am all for being submitted to the authority over you. But I feel like you are making it a blanket statement, and there is never, ever any time when one would pull away from their authority. I do not agree. The apostolic movement of the 20th century was birthed out of men leaving the authority for what they believed was right.
If you will recall how the Apostolic movement (as we know it) pulled out of the AOG in 1915 (if I recall the date) it was not over a mundane resolution that did not affect anyone's salvation as does the codified doctrine of Trinity.
The Oneness (New Issue) men that walked out of the Conference in Arkansas did not walk out until it was seen that there was ABSOLUTELY no way to further work within the structure after the doctrine of the Trinity was firmly ensconced within its creed. Even then, some still tried.
They had been preaching the Oneness message within the AOG for many months, far and wide, drawing converts to the message until at last, there was not more possible way to work within the AOG.
Their exit was a godly, gentlemanly, friendly and humble way that the gang of Tulsaites would do well to imitate. Even after their exit, they continued their efforts to reach out to their Trinitarian "bretheren" with love for decades afterwards.