Originally Posted by George
Yet, as you very well know, they are a large enough group to sway votes at gen. conf. but they didn't stay in the fight. They could have controlled the direction.
This is a guess at best.
Because we have held these men in such high esteem, it is beyond our finite minds to believe they have been less than ethical.
Nearly everyone of the executive committee lost district or regional positions by very narrow margins. This leads the general population to believe they desire position so much they will form their own organization to guarantee their status.
Why shouldn't it lead some notable portion of the population to believe that they just lost their last chance to influence things toward their desired outcome?
We are once again back at square one struggling to believe it could possibly be eogs as the driving force. Even so, there isn't anything wrong with desiring position.....unless you lose your ethics in so doing.
Chase it back a little further along the motive tree, and ask if
all of these guys were seeking position just to upgrade their seating assignment at the district banquet, or if they were seeking position in hopes of accomplishing some sort of goal.