Originally Posted by CC1
I have news for Steadfast. When I was a UPC teenager I saw just as many girls from "conservative" churches who "shouted" their uncut hair down in service in the back seat of cars with guys as girls from the so called liberal churches.
I have NEVER seen strict standards translate to moral behaviour in teenagers. If anything it allows them to compartmentalize what is right and wrong since they have that long laundry list of do's and don'ts. They seem to justify in their mind that if they don't cut their hair, wear makeup, go to movies, etc, etc that they can then commit sexual sin and still come out okay on the balance ledger. Not all by any measure but enough that it proves that enforced legalistic standards have squat to do with a persons morality.
We obviously are not UPC but my kids have been raised around it and spent entire summers at UPC relaitves homes and attending UPC churches. My two boys assessment is that old time Pentecostal girls are wild. Much wilder than the baptist and charismatic girls they date.
What were you doing in the front seat watching?????