Ugh, I hope this doesn't turn into another TV discussion, I kind of like the initial premise of the thread.
I believe what has been said here is accurate, however one thing plaguing the current generation of ministers are two daunting obstacles.
One is the natural progression of emulation. I have seen more preachers trying to emulate the ministers of the past, trying to ride the coat-tails of those who have paved the way, and paid their dues.
Secondly, and I believe this is the biggest obstacle to fulfilling a true anointing, is the two-fold desire to develop new-fangled programs in which the preacher can take the credit for design. There have been minister after minister come through bringing their 12 Tribe concept of church growth, prayer seminars to enhance church growth and revival, the 12 step program for a closer walk with God, labeling revivals as "crusades" attaching their names to it, plays, poetry, costumes, army men a broken down volkswagon and the apocalypse, the grim reaper, lights camera ACTION! ...yada yada yada.
While the intentions may be fantastic, there is an element of self promotion involved that if it takes root, it means more dates for preaching, possibly a book, a CD, and money money money, name building, name building, LEGACY!
I am not saying this is the case across the board, throughout the org there are great men of God out there who understand the popular culture, the religious culture and climate of the church and they have realized there is a need for change in their approach and attitude. These are the men I wouldn't hesitate for one minute considering to be my pastor.
I would say the last time someone had me shaking in my boots was O.R. Fauss at Colorado Youth Camp in 1985.