Originally Posted by Coonskinner
God will deal with the offenders, never fear. They will get their reward, unless they repent.
But I can't think of any more pathetic reason to go to hell than for somebody else's sin. And that will be the case for those who refuse to forgive, and allow it to make them justify their disobedience.
I forgive, but can't forget.
I don't like to see it continue.
I do not like your comments of I am going to hell over something pathetic.
Many preachers and pastors are
Pathetic Coon, and many are UPC.
So yes Coon, it is pathetic Pastors leading UN-suspecting sheep that really bothers me.
I am free, forgiven others and healing.
But it still makes me angry to see it happen to others, while UPC Pastors set back and say, "That's not all UPC pastors and yes it happens", but yet do nothing about it.
While you set and say, A PATHETIC, reason to go to hell???