my 12 year old niece, Cara
It's me again, folks. Needing your prayers.
My 12 year old niece, Cara, had surgery today on a tumor that developed on her forehead right above her eye. It started as a tiny pimple-like thing right before Thanksgiving. By today it was larger than a half-dollar and an angry purple color.
The doctor said that he was not able to get all of it because to do so would have left her face deformed. There are lymphocells in what he got out. Meaning either that it is lymphoma or else an infection. He won't know which until they do further testing and get the results in the next couple of days.
If it is lymphoma, then they will need to do radiation treatments on her.
Please pray that it is nothing - just an infection.
This is my sister's only child. The only child she will ever be able to have. They adore her. So Sally and Charles are also having a tough time right now. Please also remember them. Ask God for strength and peace.
Thanks so much!! You all are the very best!!!!
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !