Originally Posted by Steadfast
ANYBODY that will treat his literal wife with such disregard and disrespect will eventually try to treat the Bride of Christ with the same arrogant attitude. I told him that I focused on his wife and her heartbeat more than him the night before because, to be quite frank, I think God focuses on His Bride a lot more than He does any single Preacher. "You're only necessary because of His love for the Bride."
No thanks. Don't need that in my Church. They are too important to God... and me.
We closed and he never came back.
Bro. Steadfast,
That was an excellent post. I have heard many ministers joke at their wives' expense from the pulpit. The congregation chuckles and I cringe in my seat, feeling her pain. It's too bad there aren't more men like you willing to stand up and call them on it. Thank you.