01-16-2008, 12:36 AM
Mentally Challenged: What about salvation?
Serious question here, folks...
Got a lady who, for all practical purposes, has such a dimished capacity mentally that I'm not sure she would ever really understand the concepts of Baptism in Jesus Name or receiving the Holy Ghost. Yet, in her defense, there are those in her family that want to see her baptized.
Odd? Perhaps. But they know that we, as a movement, believe that one must be baptized in Jesus Name. However, as I stated before, she has no concept to equate with such an action.
While I know where I, personally, stand this leaves me to answer the requests of this family. My question is this...
* While I know what I believe I wonder what others think about the mentally ill and their need to obey the plan of salvation as spelled out in Acts 2:38?
* Have any of you heard of those who believe that the severely mentally handicapped are lost without obedience to God's Word?
* How do we reconcile a lack of obedience to Acts 2:38 and the
subsequent belief that one (even in that condition) can be saved without it?
Again, I know my answers but I want to know the perception of others so as to help me address the concerns of this family.
Any takers?