Originally Posted by stmatthew
I am not your enemy. And I am a very merciful person. But I will NOT overlook the sin of homosexuality. The family unit is continually in a battle in this world. I am hearing more and more preachers, and saints, "coming out". I refuse to be silent when this sin that has the potential of making one reprobate is becoming so prevolent and accepted in our society.
And I will not stay silent when the promotion of a concert with a known homosexual is taking place. AFF has enough of a stigma to overcome. I am not going to allow promotion of a homosexual lifestyle to be another mark against it.
Amen, finally someone tough enough to stand firm on something that the lORD has already said that is WRONG.
Now I do feel sorry for those who 'FEEL' that they are in the wrong body but those feelings eminate from spirits that are not of GOD, so I am compelled to pray for such as are bound in this 'nightmarish' existence, I know many even some whom are family, and its tragic, it really is.
But "promote" this as a lifestyle? Only if one doesn't give a hoot about the soul., I can't tell someone its ok to do this.
Amongst other things.