Originally Posted by Diamond Jim
Let's be honest here,wasn't LW allowed to be on our platforms for years?
surely you don't believe that no one knew what was going on all those years do you.
Lets be honest here....we've let _________________behind our pulpits, pastoring our churches for years?
surely you dont believe that no one knew what was going on all those years, do you?
((Insert any number of names of preachers/pastors to left the UPC to come out of the closet)) ((Or to just divorce their wives and marry their LONG TIME girlfriend))
why pick on LW?? If I'm not mistaken, he's always denied the allegations.
Sure, something happened....
but who really knows the whole story?
I'll add, SURE...it happened..things improper happened..
but I dont think it was ALLOWED to go on for years and years as folks imply.....I really dont. I think when it was found out that something was really wrong....he was dealt with