Some Old Books by Oneness Authors in My Library
Brother Ron started a thread regarding A.D. Urshan's book, "The Supreme Need of the Hour." Since I have that book, I started looking through my library for it. I found it and some other old books as well. Here are a few of them:
1. Prayer The Supreme Need of the Hour
2. The Life of Andrew Bar David Urshan
3. The Almighty God in the LOrd JEsus Christ
4. The Doctrine of Redemption and the Redemption of the Body
5. Timely Messages of Comfort
6. My Study of Modern Pentecostals
7. Timely Message of Warning
These books are all authored by A.D. Urshan
By Ralph Reynolds:
1. Pentecostal Bible Study Course
2. Making Full Proof of Our Ministry
3. Can A Believer Be Lost
4. Truth Shall Triumph by Ralph V. Reynolds
Lying, the Most Common and Damnable Sin by Elder B.E. Echols
4 Essentials unto Salvation by Elder B.E. Echols
Is Jesus In The Godhead or is the Godhead in Jesus...Gordon Magee
Prophet or Priest by Paul D. Dugas
A Biblican Approach to Theological Church Government by Paul Dugas
Delivering Up The Kingdom by D.L. Welch
Pentecostal Message by Don C. Marler
Lera by Lerthansung
The Best Way To Win Souls by Theodore Fitch
Who Is This That Defies and Challenges by Bishop S.C. Johnson
The Life and Writings of Elder G.T. Haywood
"Babylon" Origin of Religions by Laura Francis Duprau
Treasures of Truth byt Anna Schrader
Miracles for Mortals by Anna Schrader
The Angels Demons & People, volumes one and two by Kenneth V. Reeves, LL.B, J.D.
The Lost Sons of God by Kenneth V. Reeves
All the Fullness by David Campbell
And The World Did NOt Know HIm by Don L. Rose
The Name and the Book by Frank J. Ewart
These few as a start. I have hundreds. I'll be back later with some more titles.