Originally Posted by Sarah
Dan's new forum........is it the fourth of fifth offshoot of Bro Yohe's original site? I think we can almost guarantee that somewhere down the road, some disgruntals will start another one from that one.
This is a good forum. I think when the crisis is over, and the chips have all fallen where they may, this forum will still be here and going strong. This is mostly due to the good, mature moderators and owners that we have.
Just hang tight, everyone.........and many, many thanks for the admin that has to take the blame for everything!
I really don't see a "crisis," just life as usual. Also, what "fallout?" (From the thread title).
I was going to quit and start a REAL anti-AFF forum, but BOOMM has finally caved into my demands and gotten rid of the Xmas smilies from the post area. Now, if he'll just re-enable to ability to select my favorites...