I see quite a lot of references and inferences to an alleged "gift of discernment" on AFF. However, I find no reference to this "spiritual gift" in scripture. If anyone has actual knowlege of a scripture validating this alleged "gift", I would appreciate the fact.
There is however; a valid spiritual gift of "discerning of spirits" listed in
I Cor 12:10. I rather think this is the gift which is often misclassified as the gift of discernment.
Discernment, which can be a function of both the mind and the spirit, falls into the catagory of general wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Prov 1:7; 9:10; 4:7
The spiritual gift of discerning of spirits, is the occasional experience of looking over into the spirit world, and observing, past, present or future events, of either the physical or spiritual worlds. These can only be seen with spiritual eyes, as no physical eye has even seen a spirit or into the spirit world. e.i. " God is a spirit." e.i. "No
man has seen God at any time." Even Adam in his unfallen state, never saw God. He only "heard the voice of the LORD God, walking in the garden."
Every saint of God, who is filled with the Holy Ghost, has been given, at least, one gift of the Spirit. (
1Cor 12:7) However; no spiritual gift can be exercised solely at the descretion of the person being used. They only operate as the Spirit (HG) wills.