Originally Posted by James Griffin
Pastor Suber has more important things to do. LOL
Actually everything said in this forum, in every single thread since its inception in Feb is insignificant compared to things said in other places.
As much as I admire T1's stand on behalf of our mutual friend, personally I see the overwhelming majority of the posts to be positive in nature, and the "criticisms" to range from amusing to innocuous.
He has been, and shall continue to be a leader in the Apostolic movement worldwide.
You know, this is what I have been thinking. Bro. Suber is a widely respected
busy preacher, I can't imagine that any of the things that have been said about him on here (which I don't believe have been in the least damaging) would cause him a moments unrest.
Personally, I know that Bro. Suber spoke a word from the Lord over my father a few years ago, and he was dead on. I was blessed by his ministry.
I just think that the over-reaction that has gone on has been a little much.