What were your wedding songs?
I don't usually listen to secular music but I happen to have my wedding songs on my rhapsody playlist... It brought back many wonderful memories....
Sooo, I was wondering what songs y'all had in your wedding.
1. The Power of Love
2. Here and Now
3. Up Where We Belong
I didn't even think to ask my pastor about his thoughts on my song selection and I might not have chosen all secular songs if I had it to do over again. But, those were the songs we chose. When I hear them, I can feel every part of the day all over again! All the tears, laughter, and joy that was shared that day! I think I was the only one NOT to cry at my wedding... LordChocolate cried like a baby! LOL
What were your songs? Christian love songs or secular?
I never met a chocolate I didn't like!
*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!